Students who study at other post-secondary institutions may receive credit for their studies when they are admitted to York University. Students are assessed for transfer credit upon admission and receive a transfer credit statement outlining how their studies may be used to satisfy degree requirements at York. Transfer credit can also be received for studies done via letters of permission to take courses at other universities while at York.
Why are the degree requirements satisfied by my transfer credit appearing as "not yet satisfied" on my degree progress report?
Although York University is working towards a university-wide plan on how to incorporate transfer credit into your online degree progress report, currently there are different approaches across faculties and programs. Some faculties and programs may enter the requirements waived or satisfied by transfer credit onto our degree audit system and they will appear as "credits granted" or rules which are "waived". However, many faculties and departments do not currently follow this practice and therefore the requirements appear as "not yet satisfied".
How can I view the transfer credit for which I was assessed?If you received transfer credit, the first section of your degree progress report will display the amount of "unspecified transfer credits" received upon admission as well as any credits granted as a result of courses completed under a letter of permission. A link to the transfer credit statement will appear in the first section of the report. Click on the statement link to view and/or print your statement.
What about transfer credit received after my admission to York?If you received credit as a result of a letter of permission, your transcript from the other institution and the approved letter of permission is your record of the specific course taken. If you also received transfer credit for specific courses such as "course credit exclusions" or substitutions approved by your faculty or department, information is available to you through the personal correspondence you received from the department. Always retain copies of your personal correspondence to facilitate any queries upon graduation.
Why is not all the transfer credit I received reflected on my degree progress report?In some cases, transfer credit may have been applied to the degree requirements satisfied. In those cases, you will see results on your report indicated as "credits granted" or an entire requirement will appear as "waived". You may find that not all your transfer credit has been entered, especially if you transferred faculties and programs. Ensure you keep careful records of any credit satisfied through letters of permission, course credit exclusions or approved substitutions and contact your faculty advising office if you have questions or concerns.
How can I use my degree progress report if all transfer credit has not been applied?If confirmed transfer credit has not yet been applied to any or all of the requirements satisfied on your degree progress report, you should: