8 Easy Origami Projects for Kids (Free Printable Instructions)

A selection of printable origami instruction sheets on a green background, including various animals and other objects.

There’s something magical about turning a simple square of paper into a number of different objects. While not all historians agree about the origins of origami, most believe it started in Japan during the sixth or seventh century. Origami, or the art of folding paper into 3D objects, reached Europe sometime in the 18th century. Now, it’s practiced by people of all ages around the globe. While many origami projects can be intricate and challenging, there are also plenty of easy origami projects for kids to try.

Ready to get started? Check out our favorite origami projects below, and be sure to download the free printable instructions so kids can easily follow along.

Benefits of Practicing Origami

Whether they’re creating easy origami animals, flowers, or a simple box, kids experience many educational benefits when practicing origami, such as:

Tips for Doing Origami With Kids

Origami Supplies

All you need is origami paper and some fine-tip markers to complete the easy origami projects below. Here are some supplies to get you started:

Easy Origami Animals for Kids

Easy Origami Frog

Ready to save and print your free easy origami printable instructions for kids? Just click the button to fill out the form at the top of this page.

What are your favorite easy origami projects to do with kids? Come and share your ideas in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, get ideas for easy art projects for kids of all ages!

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